10 weeks improving government through technology
August 13, 2020
This summer TTS welcomed Abdul Tahlil as a Coding it Forward Civic Digital fellow. Abdul joined the TTS Outreach team to work on the 18F site. We’ve invited Abdul to tell us a bit more about the fellowship program and his experience as an engineer on the team.
Shared infrastructure as code
August 15, 2018
At many government agencies, a central IT team manages DNS directly. Other teams must request changes using help desk tickets, which can have inconsistent turnaround times, and are susceptible to human error. Having DNS records as code and doing changes through pull requests brought turnaround time down from multiple days to under ten minutes.
Why we’re moving 18f.gsa.gov to Federalist
May 18, 2016
We want 18f.gsa.gov to be an exemplar of what 18F can do for partner agencies. One way to do that is to host it the way we’d host a similar site for a partner agency, and that means moving to Federalist.
How we test 18f.gsa.gov
December 11, 2015
As our blog got more complicated, we started making mistakes that were hard to catch before publishing. So we came up with a way to catch many of those errors, before they end up in your browser.
How to use GitHub and the terminal: a guide
March 3, 2015
At 18F we hire people from many different backgrounds and each new employee brings a different level of comfort with the specific tools we use on our various projects. The team that runs the 18F website recently started writing down the tools and processes that we use to update the blog and the code that runs the site. We're sharing that with you today.
Taking control of our website with Jekyll and webhooks
November 17, 2014
How we moved our website to Jekyll, left Tumblr behind, and set up automatic deployment with webhooks.
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