Ask 18F — How do you recruit employees?
August 2, 2018
Ask 18F is an advice column that answers questions sent in by federal employees. In this edition, we’ll talk about how to recruit tech talent in government
Bringing iterative development to our Talent Team
February 9, 2016
Over the past year, the Talent Team has worked hard to improve the 18F job application process. We’ve worked hard, but also differently. We shifted our view of talent acquisition from a support function to a product that we deliver, and one that demands the lean and agile philosophies that are the 18F way of life.
A day in the life of an 18F talent manager
April 8, 2015
For this month's installment of our Day in the Life series, Talent Manager Jamie Albrecht shares the ins and outs of her day — and her power song.
One year in and looking forward
March 20, 2015
One year ago we said, 'Hello, World' and launched not only a new team, but also the promise of a new way of working with and for the Federal Government. Here's what we've accomplished so far.
Uncle Sam wants YOU to be a hero hacker
March 27, 2014
The Presidential Innovation Fellows program is now accepting applications from creative, energetic policy hackers, entrepreneurs, user experience experts, designers, front-end developers, back-end developers, system architecture wizards, data wranglers, and more to serve their tours of duty to radically improve the delivery of government digital services.
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