18F and federal laboratories work together to bring better data to businesses
October 5, 2017
Working with 18F helped the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer create the largest collection of federal laboratory data and technology resources available online.
Three small steps you can take to reboot agile in your organization
October 25, 2016
This past summer, 18F held an agile workshop for the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. An agency with roots going back to World War II, NTIS is facing a future that requires a strategic realignment towards open data and services.
How a two-day sprint moved an agency twenty years forward
September 9, 2015
At 18F Consulting, we experiment with ways to empower agencies to build cost-efficient, excellent digital solutions. Recently we partnered with the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division to run a two day “Design/Dev Agile Sprint” to help them modernize their Field Operations Handbook.
How 90 minutes with Lego bricks taught these executives agile
August 31, 2015
The Small Business Administration was ready to try something different. So they asked 18F Consulting to run an “introduction to agile” workshop for their executives. With the help of a bucket of Legos, the executives were able to learn the basics of agile development practices in only an afternoon.
A story of an agile workshop
February 11, 2015
The clock was ticking as I stated the single solitary rule: We will have a demo at 10:00, 11:00 and 12:00 no matter what else happens. No matter if we have to stand up and say we got nothing done this sprint!
How to run your own three-sprint agile workshop
October 21, 2014
You can’t learn agile software development from a book any more than you can learn to perform a one-handed jump shot without repeatedly tossing a basketball in the hoop. You can read a book about the basic idea, you can read a book to get started, and you can read a book about refining your technique, but in the end you have to practice.
User-centered design at 18F: a design studio for natural resource revenues
September 25, 2014
We recently kicked off a new project with the Department of the Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR). Three weeks into the project, we decided to hold a design studio to solve the problem of how to convey complex revenue data. We needed to better understand the difference between onshore revenue (revenue from natural resources extracted from land) and offshore revenue (revenue from resources extracted from Federal offshore or the U.S. outer continental shelf) as it relates to our system. What is a design studio, you ask...
Intro to APIs: Working with URLs, JSON, APIs, and Open Data — without writing any code
June 25, 2014
June 27, 2014, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Register now. GSA’s digital teams are offering a user-friendly intro course to APIs. Regardless of your skill level, you will walk away from this lesson understanding what APIs are and how developers use them.
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